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Rev. Jodi Cross

The Angel Minister

 Author  Celebrant   Artist   Poet   Hands On Healer  Reiki Master Teacher

As a writer, I don’t just use words to describe what I see, most of my writing is channelled from Heaven; I create stories and scenes that take the reader to somewhere new and unexpected. Helping them to find a calmness and peace to better connect them to a better place.

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Portfolio of Work

Past. Present. Future.

Book    An Introduction to Angels & Angelic Healing   by Rev. Jodi Cross

Published  2012

This is a message I received from my beloved Angels about this book

Beloved One

We have given you this task so that your teachings may be experienced by many Earth Souls around the Planet. We have asked you to include some of your experiences so that the Earth Souls may realise that they too can experience the depth of connection that you achieve and are not afraid to do so.

We have asked you to speak of some difficult times so again your fellow Earth Souls are aware that the difficult lessons once learned can lift your energy to new heights for your growth and enlightenment. Your Light Shines Brightly as you fulfill this mission. Your energy will enable others to find their way back to God. May the Everlasting Light be with you always as you walk this road with us. 

You have been told to

'Bring the People Back To My Love'

This is Part of your Mission.

You Are Truly Blessed.

Other Books that Rev.Jodi Cross has been a contributing Author are -


Bring The People Back to My Love, A Rosary for the Children of Light. compiled by Kimberly Marooney

365 Soulful Messages. compiled by Jodi Chapman & Dan Teck

365 Moments of Grace. compiled by Jodi Chapman & Dan Teck


There are a number of books in the pipe line for Publication later this year or early next spring so keep watching out for more news. 



for all your families service Needs

Rev. Jodi Cross can create the perfect celebration of life service for you whatever the circumstance. 

Contact her directly by email Monday to Friday for details

or fill in the contact form below.

If you wish to Learn Reiki, Hands on Healing, or need a counselling appointment then please use the contact from below.

 Rev. Jodi will endeavor to reply as soon as is possible, due to her heavy workload this may take up too a couple of days. 

Home: Work

"My Son Is With You Continue His Work, Bring The People Back To My Love"

words channeled to Rev. Jodi Cross by Almighty God most High in the Universe  This is your Mission

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Rev. Jodi Cross lives with her beloved husband and youngest son in Buckinghamshire, England.

'Remember each and everyone of you have been created as a perfect child of God, the help and support that you have in Angelic guidance is unlimited as is their profound depth of unconditional love for you' Angel Blessings to you all. 

from Rev. Jodi 

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